KENNYS GROUP TEKSTİL LTD.ŞTİ Satış ve Pazarlama Uzmanı İş İlanı

Satış ve Pazarlama Uzmanı iş ilanı açıklaması

İş Tanımı

Kennys Group is a B2B company that specializes in the sale of various exclusive designer clothing and high-quality accessories. We deal in women’s and men’s collections of various world famous brands, from overstocks to new products! We are the main and only authorized seller for Signore Dei Mari.

We are in contact with the best Fashion Supplier companies. With years of experience in the  fashion industry, we are able to provide you the best-selected Italian companies that will considerably help you to reach your commercial objectives. We offer costless  operational services for our partners  to have mutually beneficial business relationship , with the assistance  of our professional team. We believe in the professionalism confidence as the start of a good commercial relationship. That is why we guarantee professionalism and the maximum discretion, from start to the end of the services . Moreover we guarantee the respect of the industrial secret.


Aranan Nitelikler

We are looking for new staff members which will take place in our export team located in Akbatı Residence Bahçeşehir!


You will fit perfectly in our team if you bring following experiences with you;


  • Sales experience 

  • Experience within the textile industry

  • E-commerce experience

  • Speaking english and additional languages ( spanish, french, german, italian) preferred

  • Able to take part on business trips all over the world

Your main task will be to build up new sales channels with private shopping clubs and other platforms like ebay and amazon. 

Satış ve Pazarlama Uzmanı ilanı için istenilen özellikler ve detaylar

İlan lokasyonu İstanbul Avrupa / Tümü
İlan Tarihi 30/05/2016
Cinsiyet Belirlenemedi
Çalışma Şekli Tam zamanlı
Sektör / Bölüm / Pozisyon Tekstil / Satış / Uzman