Hyatt Regency İstanbul Ataköy Cost Controller İş İlanı

Cost Controller iş ilanı açıklaması

İş Tanımı
  • To ensure that all purchase requests, other than inventory items, are approved by the General Manager and Director of Finance.
  • To check that, wherever possible, three quotations have been obtained for each item.
  • To ensure that Purchasing obtains up-to-date and accurate quotations.
  • To ensure that accurate par levels are established and ordering is done in accordance with the set par.
  • To ensure that all goods are channelled to the Receiving Department.
  • To spot check that all scales are working properly and that, no goods are left unattended.
  • To ensure that all invoice are stamped signed by the Materials Clerk. All direct purchase items should also be signed by the outlet manager.
  • To spot check to ensure that goods are received as per specifications.
  • To ensure that the Materials Clerks do not receive goods without a purchase order or purchase list.

Cost Controller ilanı için istenilen özellikler ve detaylar

İlan lokasyonu İstanbul Avrupa / Tümü
İlan Tarihi 30/05/2016
Cinsiyet Belirlenemedi
Çalışma Şekli Tam zamanlı
Firma Hyatt Regency İstanbul Ataköy
Sektör / Bölüm / Pozisyon Otelcilik / Finans / Uzman